Important Announcements
New Helping Hands Program
Posted on Mar 27th, 2024
Need help with a small project or a lift to a doctor’s appointment? This program will connect volunteers in the neighborhood to individuals in need of one-time help around the house, e.g., changing a smoke detector battery, or a ride to an appointment.
Our PN HOA neighborhoods has its own volunteer program call Helping Hands. This program is designed to provide assistance to residents of Porters Neck in a pay-it-forward manner. We do this by connecting people in the community with each other in times of need.
This service is available to PN HOA communities. Examples of services include:
Transportation to:
- Medical treatments or doctor visits
- Pick up prescriptions
- Pick up prescriptions
Minor help with house or garden:
- Replace batteries, lightbulbs
- Rearrange furniture
- Take care of pets
- Rearrange furniture
- Take care of pets
Items to temporarily share:
- Baby stroller, baby car seat, crib
- Bicycles
- Air mattresses
- Medical assistance devices (walker, rollator, crutches)
- Bicycles
- Air mattresses
- Medical assistance devices (walker, rollator, crutches)
Click HERE for the committee page which contains a links to become a volunteer or request assistance.