Check out all our FAQs. Click on the question to display the answer. If you don't see an answer to your question, send us an email using CONTACT US at the top of the page.

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
  • chevron_rightWhy must I submit a form to the PNHOA asking for permission to build?
    Submitting this form is simply a review step to ensure that home improvements in the subdivision conform to the deed restrictions. These restrictions were put in place by the developer to promote a common look in the subdivision and to protect property values. This process also provides you with assurance that the PNHOA will not ask you to make any changes to your property after you have already completed the work.
  • chevron_rightWhat must I obtain approval for before making improvements to my property?
    Any permanent improvement to the exterior of your home must be approved by the ARC before work is begun. This is to assure that you will not be asked to go back and make any changes in order to comply with the deed restrictions. Examples of improvements that must go through this process include outbuildings, sheds, extensions, gazebos, changes to your driveway, house painting, etc. For many improvements, including fences, you may also need to obtain a permit from the county. Contact the Building Safety Office at 910-798-7308 or visit their webpage at https://buildingsafety.nhcgov.com/
  • chevron_rightI am painting my house. Do I need ARC approval?
    Any planned exterior painting regardless of the dollar cost of labor and materials must be submitted to the ARC for review and evaluation before any new paint is applied to the house.  The ARC submittal must include a sample of the proposed colors and the application form, Exhibit G.  An ARC submittal is required for exterior repainting to define the brand of paint and the color number.  The ARC must approve the color even when using the same color as previously painted. 
  • chevron_rightI want to make exterior improvements to my home, how do I get approval?
    If an exterior project is planned for your home, you will need to submit an Exhibit G – Architectural Request Form (Paper Copy) or Electronic Copy in advance of any work being done. Depending on the complexity of the project, ARC approval could take several weeks, so be sure to leave adequate time.
  • chevron_rightCan I change the landscape design of my property?
    Any landscaping improvements that significantly impact the appearance and theme of the yard must be submitted.  These improvements can also be defined as changes costing more than $500 to purchase and install and excludes flowers and landscape/plant replacement with like materials.  Palms may not be replaced.  In addition, any trees, bushes or plant material, regardless of cost, that are not indigenous to the area must be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee for review and evaluation prior to being installed.  Plant materials installed on or near the property line must also be submitted to the Committee for review and evaluation based on the impact to the adjacent property owner.
  • chevron_rightI would like to take some trees out from around the house. Do I need permission? If so, from who?
    Removal of any tree with a diameter of more than 4 inches, measured at a point 6 feet above ground, must be approved by the ARC. Please submit an Exhibit G. 
  • chevron_rightIs stump grinding required after trees are removed?
    Grinding or cutting to ground level is required for all stumps. 
  • chevron_rightIs there a particular grass I should plant?
    Bermuda sod is recommended for each residence and will provide a more homogeneous planting schedule throughout the community. Sod must be planted in the right-of-way area of each property next to the street. If the microenvironment of the property does not lend itself to Bermuda, then Centipede, Zoysia or Saint Augustine grass is acceptable. 
  • chevron_rightWhat kind of mulch should I use?
    Only natural color hardwood, cedar, cypress, pine bark mulches and pine straw are allowed for all areas requiring mulch including home foundation.
  • chevron_rightI would like to get a well for my landscaping needs; what do I need to do?
    Property owners seeking to drill irrigation wells must obtain approval from the PNHOA Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and in some instances, the CFPUA. In such instance, approval must be obtained first from the CFPUA and this approval submitted with the application to the ARC.
  • chevron_rightFor child entertainment, what can I have in my yard?
    All plans for play structures (defined as swing sets, jungle gyms, sandboxes, baby pool, playhouses, tree swings, etc.) must be submitted to the ARC for review according to the following guidelines: they must be of natural wood and color, must not exceed a maximum of 12 feet, and must be located to minimize visibility from the street. No dog houses, tree houses, or skateboard ramps are allowed.  Trampolines, basketball backboards, etc. may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • chevron_rightWhat happens if I do not have ARC approval?
    Failure to submit form Exhibit G prior to making improvements to your property or landscaping may result in a fine.
Biking, Jogging, Skating, Walking
Emergency Management
  • chevron_rightHow do I reach CAMS, our management company, in the event of an emergency?
    (24 hours / 7 days a week)
    If you have a true EMERGENCY outside of business hours that would result in property damage, please dial 877-672-2267 and follow the prompts for emergency association assistance.
    If safety or health conditions are a concern be sure to dial 911.
  • chevron_rightWhat does the PNHOA do in an emergency?
    The PNHOA and the PNCC jointly operate an Incident Command Team to respond to major events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and the like. While they endeavor to assist, there is no substitute for good individual planning and preparation for such events. See the Tab Emergency Management on the Residents link for more useful information.
    In the event of a disaster, the PNHOA will endeavor to communicate with residents. We have text messaging capability and blast email capability. The Message Board can also be used for sharing information. (Our website is hosted out of the Wilmington area so we anticipate it should be available.)
    All residents should assure they have a valid cell phone number in their website Profile in the field "Text Message Phone" that can be used to receive emergency text messages.
General Questions
  • chevron_rightCan I keep a dumpster in my driveway for heavy cleanup or removal of construction debris?
    A dumpster can be kept for a limited period of time. You must advise CAMS in advance and specify the expected duration of its use.
  • chevron_rightIf a tree falls, who is responsible for removing it?
    The specific responsibility is summarized in the table below.
  • chevron_rightWho do I report a street light outage to?
    You can report the outage directly to Duke Energy via their website at https://www.duke-energy.com/customer-service/request-light-repair
    Alternatively, you can contact CAMS at cs@camsmgt.com or (910) 256-2021
    In either case, you need to indicate the pole location and the identifying number on the pole.
  • chevron_rightIs solicitation allowed in Porters Neck?
    No Soliciting: General solicitation is not permitted in Porters Neck unless delivered through the U.S. Mail. General solicitation shall include the placement of advertising, business cards or other printed materials on vehicles, dwellings, vacant lots or common areas, in newspaper boxes or in mailboxes.
    Exceptions: Solicitations on behalf of recognized charitable organizations, candidates for elected office, or ballot issues may be conducted by residents of Porters Neck. Such solicitation must be done in person or by leaving documents ONLY in the newspaper slot. Nothing should be left in the door or in front of the door
  • chevron_rightWhat areas does the PNHOA maintain?
    The Porters Neck Homeowners Association (PNHOA) is required by the community’s covenants to adequately maintain all infrastructure and common areas of the community. Among these assets are: roadways and curbs, some ponds, undeveloped common areas, the boat dock and launch area, the picnic area, the front and rear gates, drainage systems, islands and curbs, landscaping and street lighting.
  • chevron_rightCan I have bollards in front of my house?
    No structure of any kind can be used to prevent vehicles from driving and damaging landscaped property is permitted unless authorized by PNHOA. The type and location of bollards will be determined by the PNHOA and permitted only where nearby construction or street curvature could represent a potential for damage.
    If you believe one or more bollards are appropriate, you can make request to the Landscape Committee.
  • chevron_rightCan I use bollards to keep vehicles off my yard?
    No structure of any kind can be used to prevent vehicles from driving and damaging landscaped property is allowed unless authorized by PNHOA. The type and location of bollards will be determined by the PNHOA and permitted only where nearby construction or street curvature could represent a potential for damage.
  • chevron_rightWho determines who will receive "Blast Emails"?
    The President of the PNHOA will determine when a mass email should be sent. These Emails will be sent to all residents unless they indicate that they do not wish to receive them.
  • chevron_rightWhere do I find volunteer opportunities?
    An extensive list of volunteer opportunities has been compiled by one of our residents, Yona Bar-Zeev. It can be found on the page Volunteer Opportunities under the Resources tab. Other alternative sources of volunteer opportunities can be found on the same page (New Hanover County, Wilmington Insider).
  • chevron_rightAre there rules regarding pet ownership and care in Porters Neck?
    The Rules regarding pet ownership and the care of other animals in Porters Neck Plantation are outlined below
    County Ordinances. New Hanover County (NHC) ordinances regarding pet ownership apply within PNP. NHC ordinance prohibits an owner of a dog or cat from allowing it to run at large off the premises of its owner. It requires dogs to be leashed when off the premises of its owner.
    Permitted Pets. No animals are permitted on any lot with the exception of domestic dogs, cats and other domestic household pets as determined by the Board of Directors from time to time.
    Control of Pets. All pets shall be personally leashed, escorted, and controlled when off the homeowner’s property. The pet’s solid waste material must be removed and properly disposed of by the responsible party whenever outside of the home. Littering or trespassing on the property of others or on common property is prohibited. Pets shall be kept in such a manner so as to not become a nuisance by barking or other acts
  • chevron_rightMust my dog be leashed in Porters Neck?
    All pets must be personally leashed, escorted, and controlled when off the homeowner’s property. The pet’s solid waste material must be removed and properly disposed of by the responsible party whenever outside of the home. Littering or trespassing on the property of others or on common property is prohibited. Pets shall be kept in such a manner so as to not become a nuisance by barking or other acts.
  • chevron_rightCan I have an outdoor cat in Porters Neck?
    Pets may not be allowed to run at large off the premises of its owner.
  • chevron_rightCan I feed the deer and geese?
    No. Residents are not to feed the wildlife or take measures that would attract or encourage further growth in their populations.
  • chevron_rightCan I swim or fish in the ponds?
    Swimming or wading is prohibited in any pond or lagoon.  The water is not safe for swimming due to chemicals used to control plant growth.
    Unless otherwise posted, “catch and release” fishing is permitted in ponds or lagoons located within Porters Neck where accessible from the common area. Fishing in ponds on or adjacent to the golf course is not permitted when the golf course is open. 
  • chevron_rightCan I boat on the ponds?
    Kayaks, canoes and rowboats may be used only on the lagoon adjoining the 14th hole. Boats are prohibited on all other ponds and lagoons.
  • chevron_rightCan I park a boat at my residence?
    No boat, ski-doo, boat trailer, other trailer, bus, camper, RV, commercial vehicle, inoperable or unlicensed vehicle, utility trailer, or truck (larger than one ton) shall be parked on any private property overnight in such a manner as to be visible from any road or street within Porters Neck. 
  • chevron_rightHow do I dispose of my Christmas tree?
    GFL (Waste Industries) will pick up Christmas trees on their regularly scheduled yard waste/debris pick-up day. Customers will receive email correspondence directly from GFL (Waste Industries) with specific dates in late December/early January.
  • chevron_rightCan I have political signs in my yard?
    The HOA discourages political signs but must allow one sign no larger than 24” x 24” on an individual’s property. The sign can go up no earlier than 45 days prior to an election and must come down 7 days after the election. The sign cannot be placed on rights of way, easements or on common areas. Please be aware that rights of way extend 10' to 15' from the edge of the paved road depending on subdivision location. 
HOA Board of Directors and Committees
  • chevron_rightWhat is the Home Owners Association (HOA) Board of Directors?
    The Homeowner's Association is a corporation and therefore a governing body is required to oversee its business. The Board of Directors is elected by the homeowners, or as otherwise specified in the By-Laws. The limitation and restrictions of the powers of the Board of Directors are outlined in the Association By-Laws.
  • chevron_right Can any member of the PNHOA serve on the Board of Directors?
    Yes. The PNHOA Board of Directors is made up of residents that are elected at each year's Annual Meeting of the Association. There are currently seven Directors on the Board and three positions are generally up for election each year. After the Annual Meeting, Board members meet to elect officers from among themselves.
    All lot owners are members of the PNHOA, but tenants who rent a home in Porters Neck are not. They may serve on Committees but cannot serve on the Board.
  • chevron_rightAre Board members paid for their service?
    No. Board members volunteer their time because they are interested in the well being of the community.
  • chevron_rightCan I speak at a Board meeting if I have an opinion on the subject being discussed?
    Residents may attend parts of the Board of Directors meeting on advance request. Limited time can be allotted on the meeting agenda for residents to speak on appropriate subjects. They must request doing so at least one week prior to the Board Meeting. Where personnel or other privacy issues may warrant it, the Board may excuse residents from that portion of the meeting.
  • chevron_rightAre Board Meetings open to all residents? If so, where and when are they held?
    The PNHOA Board holds monthly meetings, generally on the fourth Monday of each month. Holidays or other conflicts may alter the schedule. Check on the PNHOA events calendar to get the latest schedule. The meetings generally begin at 8:30 AM. PNHOA members are welcome to attend specific parts of the meeting on advance request.
  • chevron_rightWhat Committees exist within Porters Neck?
    Standing committees of the PNHOA include: Architectural Review, Community Relations, Finance, Infrastructure, Landscaping, Marine Resources, Security and Website/Communications. Additional sub-committees include Stormwater and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team). See website page Committees.
  • chevron_rightHow do I know what the Committees are doing?
    Activities are recorded in the Board monthly meetings as reported by the liaison to each committee.
  • chevron_rightCan I participate in a Committee meeting?
    Committee meetings are considered work sessions and are not generally open to resident homeowners. Those with specific issues they would like to share with the Committee may request meeting participation from the Committee Chair.
  • chevron_rightHow do I join a PNHOA Committee if I’m interested?
    Most committees recruit at the beginning of each calendar year, but will consider adding members throughout the year. Serving on a committee is an excellent means for learning how the PNHOA operates and providing important help in running our HOA. If you’d like to join a committee, or simply learn more, contact the Board President or the Chairperson of any individual committee you may be interested in.
Homeowners Association (HOA)
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Governing Documents of a Home Owners Association (HOA)?
    All Property Owners Associations derive the basic legal authority for their existence, activities, and actions from state statutes (laws) and certain legal documents:
    • Articles of Incorporation
    • Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs)
    • By-Laws
    • Rules & Regulations
    You can find copies of each of the PNHOA Governing Documents on the Documents page. 
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Articles of Incorporation?
    The Articles of Incorporation formally:
    • Bring the Corporation (HOA) into existence
    • Define the basic purpose and powers of the Corporation
    • Indicate there will be a Board of Directors and may identify the initial Board
    You can find copies of the PNHOA Articles of Incorporation in the Governing Documents folder on the Documents page.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Association By-Laws?
    The By-Laws are the guidelines for the operation of a homeowners association. The By-Laws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Directors, the terms of the Directors, the membership's voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business. The By-Laws for the PNHOA may be viewed online within the Documents section of this website.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions?
    The underlying document of a property owners association, apart from state law, is the Declaration, also referred to as Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). The Declaration is the constitutional law of the association. The Declaration defines the limits and inclusions of ownership for the owners and the association. As a legal entity the association is better prepared to pursue certain business needs, such as entering contracts, raising funds, filing liens, and collecting fees in a foreclosure. The Declaration may contain:
    • Definitions of the physical elements of the property
    • The method for determining the share of interest in the common area for each property owner
    • A list of the responsibilities for the association and individual owners and permitted uses of common areas and individual units
    • Responsibilities for care of the association and the common areas
    • Restrictions on the use or enjoyment of properties in the association and common areas
    The Protective Covenants and Subsequent Amendments are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation. The Protective Covenants were recorded by the County recorder's office of New Hanover County and are included in the title to your property. Failure to abide by the Protective Covenants may result in a fine to a homeowner by the Association.
    You can find copies of the PNHOA CC&R's in the Governing Documents folder on the Documents page.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Protective Covenants?
    The Protective Covenants and Subsequent Amendments are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation. The Protective Covenants were recorded by the County recorder's office of New Hanover County and are included in the title to your property. Failure to abide by the Protective Covenants may result in a fine to a homeowner by the Association. The governing legal documents for the association may be viewed online within the Documents section of this website.
  • chevron_rightWhat are Rules & Regulations?
    Rules and regulations are the operational and behavioral laws that apply directly to Association residents and their guests. They state acceptable and/or unacceptable conduct for all Owners, their guests, visitors and renters. Rules and Regulations may generate conflict between the Board and the owner(s) since they may provide restrictions regarding noise, pets, use of the property or common areas, and fining procedures, however, good rules serve the interests of the entire Association and protect the common areas.

    You can find copies of the PNHOA Rules and Regulations in the Governing Documents folder on the Documents page.
  • chevron_rightWhat are Policy and Procedures?
    Policy and Procedures are a set of documents that define how the Board of Directors and Association management should operate.
    The manual can be found on the Documents page of this website.
  • chevron_rightWhat is a Homeowner's Association?
    A Homeowner's Association is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a duly elected Board of Directors. Its purpose is to maintain all common areas and to govern the community in accordance with the provision of the legal documents: CC&R's, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation. The governing legal documents for the Porters Neck Homeowners Association may be viewed online within the Documents section of this website. The corporation is financially supported by all members of the Homeowners Association. Membership is both automatic and mandatory.
  • chevron_rightIs membership in the PNHOA required of Porters Neck homeowners?
    Yes. The deed for each property in Porters Neck ties the lot to the HOA Master Declaration. When you sign the deed of ownership for your property, you become a member of the Porters Neck HOA. This inclusion of PNHOA membership into the deed was planned by the developer so that all homes would be part of the PNHOA.
  • chevron_rightWhat is a Home Owners Association (HOA) assessment?
    The assessment is the periodic amount due from each homeowner to cover the operating expenses of the common area, hazard insurance, and provide for reserve funds for replacement of common facilities in future years. Your assessments are due 60 days after receipt.   Statements are sent quarterly by CAMS. Automatic payment is recommended.
  • chevron_rightHow much does the PNHOA membership cost?
    The annual assessment for PNHOA membership is set annually by the Board of Directors as part of its budgeting process. This must be approved by the membership at the Annual Meeting, generally in mid-February. The current assessment (2020) is $285 per quarter, or $1,140 per year.
    Individual Mini-Associations (neighborhoods) may elect to share common functions such as grass-cutting, landscaping, etc. Residents living in these communities may incur an additional assessment for those functions, as set by that Mini-Association.
  • chevron_rightWhen are the Annual and Monthly meetings?
    The Annual PNHOA Homeowners meeting is usually held early in February. You will receive a formal notice via mail as required by our By-Laws, as well as e-mail notification as it draws near.
    The Board of Directors meets monthly, usually on the fourth Monday. Exact times and locations are displayed on the website calendar. Check the website calendar for the most up-to-date information on changes of time or location. All residents are welcome to attend. If you wish to address the Board, you must make a request through our Community Manager at least one week prior to the meeting.
    Much of the work of the PNHOA is done through committees which meet on varied schedules. These are considered working meetings. PNHOA members who desire to attend a committee meeting must make a request at least one week in advance of the meeting. Committee meeting schedules are posted on the Events Calendar but are subject to change at the discretion of the Committee Chair.
  • chevron_rightIf I am having a problem with a neighbor for a violation of the Rules and Regulations, what can I do?
    If residents cannot resolve a situation between themselves, then turn to your Association. Contact our Community Manager at CAMS, Tara Armstrong, and she can advise you on how best to proceed.
    email: cs@camsmgt.com
    office: (910) 256-2021
  • chevron_rightWhy are there different rules and restrictions for different parts of the community?
    The PNHOA sets and enforces rules and restrictions for the entire development. Individual Mini-Associations may set additional rules or restrictions on homes within their community. Examples may include house design, outdoor lighting, landscaping, etc.
Mailbox Maintenance
  • chevron_rightWhere can I find a replacement mailbox/post?
    If you need to replace your mailbox or post, it can be purchased through RAGS Signs and Graphics in Wilmington. You may contact RAGS directly at (910) 793-9087.
  • chevron_rightWhere do I get the right green color and kind of paint for my mailbox if it needs painting?
    The specific colors for PN mailboxes are:
    1. Super White Gloss (Sherwin Williams)
    2. Green – Hunter Green (Sherwin Williams)
    3. Metallic Gold for the pineapple on the post.
    The first two should be generally available at Lowes or any paint store carrying Sherwin Williams products. The third one (which is not often needed) may be found at local craft stores such as Michaels, etc. 
  • chevron_rightCan I hire someone to paint my mailbox and/or mailbox post?
    We have handyman companies who are available to paint mailboxes and posts in Porters Neck. You can call for an estimate depending on the size and condition of your mailbox.
    Luis Rivera - Latin Maids  910-279-7615 - company also does housecleaning
    True Blue Total House Care  910-812-1656  www.trubluehousecare.com/south-wilmington    - company does general maintenance and house care services
Marine Resources
Motor Vehicles
  • chevron_rightWhat is the speed limit in Porters Neck?
    The speed limit is 25 MILES PER HOUR. Porters Neck has no sidewalks, its streets are narrow, and numerous large construction vehicles utilize the streets. Drivers are required to observe the posted speed and stop signs for the safety of numerous walkers, joggers, bicyclists, dog walkers and other vehicles.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the parking regulations in Porters Neck?
    Parking on homeowner property should be on a driveway, hard surface, or in a garage.  Parking on a street should be done in a manner that minimizes the disturbance to oncoming traffic. Parking on grass such as empty lots or PNHOA common area is discouraged. There is no allowable overnight parking on any street or PNHOA common area. Requests for any exceptions due to extenuating circumstances must be made in advance to the Community Manager.
  • chevron_rightAre golf carts allowed on the streets?
    No golf carts shall be operated on any roads within Porters Neck, except for use by golfers ONLY at designated crossings and use by golf course personnel for course management or related purposes. Golf carts shall stop before entering any road and wait if any vehicles are approaching.
New Residents
  • chevron_rightI’m new to Porters Neck. What are the best ways for me to meet new people?
    There are many activities available with the Porters Neck area:
    • Those who are members of the Country Club will find many activities offered.
    • Those who live in an area governed by a Mini-Association will find other activities that they coordinate for their neighborhood.
    • In the late Spring, Summer and early Fall, a group from Porters Neck routinely meets at Wrightsville Beach on Wednesday evenings at 6 PM (bring your own food, drink and beach chairs) next to the Holiday Inn. This is a great opportunity to meet new people. Contact Tom Jividen 681-0701
    This is just a small sample of what’s available. 
  • chevron_rightHow is trash and yard debris handled within Porters Neck?
    PNHOA has negotiated a contract with GFL Environmental (Waste Industries) to provide waste removal for PNHOA members. The contract includes optional yard waste removal, which the law does not allow to be mixed in with household trash and optional recycling.
    • Rate for weekly household trash pick-up - $32.80 plus up to 2 extra bags next to cart (96 gal)
    • Rate for weekly recycling pickup - $11.66 (96 gal)
    • Every other week yard waste removal - $3.50 for up to 10 bags and 1 bundle (limbs no more than 4 feet long, 4 inches diameter). No contractor-related landscaping debris. (96 gal)
    • Billing is done bi-monthly.
    Call GFL Environmental (Waste Industries) (762-7563) to initiate yard waste removal service, as you would to set up recycling pick-up service.
Porters Neck Country Club (PNCC)
  • chevron_rightWhat is the difference between the Homeowners Associations and the Country Club?
    The various Homeowners Associations be they the Porters Neck Homeowners Association, Bishops Park, Creekside, or one of the various mini-associations (e.g.. Masters Ridge) all have one thing in common, they deal with property related issues. If the question involves a home, lot, road, or related infrastructure (gates, lights etc) it most likely is a homeowner association issue.
    Issues involving the golf course, tennis courts, sports center or dining facilities fall under the realm of the Porters Neck Country Club and should be addressed by the proper manager within the Club. See your Country Club Directory for a list of these departments.
  • chevron_rightCan I participate in PNCC activities if I am not a member?
    The Porters Neck Country Club is a private club reserved for its members. They do periodically have activities that non-members may participate in, such as the July 4th Parade. hosting the PN Garden Club meetings, etc. Non-members may also participate as guests of Club members for a limited number of activities during the year.
    The Marine facilities, picnic area, kayaking, boating, etc. are the property of the PNHOA and are available for use by Porters Neck residents, whether Club members or not.
  • chevron_rightHow do I get a barcode and/or windshield sticker for my car?
    • Residents (PNHOA) current with their assessments and current PNCC members may be issued up to TWO barcodes.
    • Only PNHOA dues-paying residents may obtain additional barcodes for their vehicles or those of immediate family members living in New Hanover, Brunswick or Pender counties according to the criteria set forth in Rules & Regulations 102 3d.
    • PNCC non-resident members may be issued TWO barcodes for their vehicles to enter through the automated residents lane at the front gate, and through the back gate.
    • Barcodes will be applied to vehicles only by members of the security committee or the Security Officers, on a regularly scheduled basis.
    • To obtain a barcode, residents and club members must complete and submit for verification a Vehicle Registration Form (VRF) in advance of the barcode application session.  Forms are available at the Gate House, the PNCC membership office, or the PNHOA website. All required documentation to obtain barcodes must be submitted in advance to the Gate House, per instructions on the VRF.
  • chevron_rightCan I transfer a barcode to a new car?
    No; you will need to get a new barcode.
  • chevron_rightWhat do I need to do for visiting guests to permit access?
    Visitors of residents will provide the Security officer the name and address of resident to be visited, duration of visit, and vehicle license plate number. For visits of three days or greater, the officer is authorized to issue a pass, at the officer’s discretion. Some visitors may be pre-registered by the resident, through a phone call, email, or website form submission.  
  • chevron_rightWhat is the telephone number to the front gate?
     (910) 686-8150 
  • chevron_rightI am having work done on my house. What do I need to do for the contractor to have access?
    Contractors may be preregistered by the resident, through a phone call, email, or website form submission. Contractors will provide name and address of the resident location they are visiting, purpose of visit, license plate number, and duration of visit.
  • chevron_rightWhen are contractors able to work in the neighborhood?
    Third-party landscapers are permitted to work Monday-Saturday between the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm excluding New Year’s Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas when no construction shall be allowed.  Construction crews will continue to be permitted to work between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM Monday through Saturday, excluding New Year’s Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas when no construction shall be allowed.
    No work is allowed on Sundays by construction crews or third-party vendors.
  • chevron_rightAre off-road vehicles permitted within Porters Neck?
    No off-road vehicles of any type are permitted, including but not limited to, dirt bikes and all-terrain vehicles except those used for maintenance or construction and development.
Storm Water Management
  • chevron_rightCan I lease my home?
    Homeowners are permitted to rent their homes pursuant to a written lease of a minimum of six months duration. The PNHOA Board may, at its discretion, waive the minimum six-month rental period for special circumstances. An application for approval may be required along with an application fee to cover any special costs incurred.
    The homeowner must provide CAMS a copy of the signed lease and a completed Owner/Tenant Information Form each time a change in occupancy occurs. Alternatively, the Tenant may be required to submit a copy of the lease to be eligible to receive barcode stickers for their car(s).
  • chevron_rightWhat do I need to do if I am renting my property?
    Homeowners must use a lease that contains a provision stating that the tenant will adhere to PNHOA Rules and Regulations. A copy of the contract is to be forwarded to CAMS. The tenant should register on this website as a tenant in order to have access to the PNHOA Rules and Regulations.
  • chevron_rightHow long can I rent my home?
    Homeowners are permitted to rent their homes pursuant to a written lease of a minimum of six months duration. The PNHOA Board may, at its discretion, waive the minimum six-month rental period for special events.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the privacy policy of the Porters Neck Homeowners Association (HOA) website?
    All information provided to the PNHOA is governed by Privacy Policy #508, which may be found in the Policy and Procedures Manual. The information gathered from your registration on this website may be used by the PNHOA Board, or CAMS (our management company) to contact you regarding neighborhood events and other neighborhood communications. It could also be used by other homeowners in Porters Neck to contact you, only if you so opt-in. You can specifically select what information you wish to make available to others.
    The Board and CAMS will not share your information with any third parties for any commercial purposes. The Board also requires that homeowners not use other homeowner’s information for such purposes.
  • chevron_rightWho is included in the PNHOA website Directory?
    All members of the Porters Neck, Bishops Park and Creekside Homeowners Associations. Tenants renting homes within Porters Neck are also included. If there is more than one resident at a street address, there may be a record in the Directory for each resident with their own phone and email address. Anyone can elect to opt-out of having their phone and email address made available to other residents.
  • chevron_rightHow do I choose which information I want to make visible to others in the Website Directory?
    We encourage you to share your contact information to facilitate communication with your neighbors and friends. The Directory is the most commonly accessed webpage in most HOA websites. To select what you will make visible:
    1. Login to your account
    2. Click on "Your Profile" on the top right of the Home page.
    3. You can click on "Update Profile" to change or correct any information in your profile.
    4, Click on "Update Directory Preferences" to select or modify what you will allow others to see in the Directory.
    5. Your Options:
    "Show Profile" at the top allows you to opt-in or out of appearing at all in the Directory.
     Set each individual entry. Choices are: "Everyone can see", "Only other members can see", or "Hidden from all".
     (The first two choices are identical since only HOA members have access to the Directory page.)
    6. Click on "Save" at the bottom to record your entries.
    We encourage you to opt-in and to be as visible as you are comfortable with, as it will help enhance communication with your neighbors and friends. You are free to change these preferences whenever you desire.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the difference between my User Profile and my Directory entry?
    Your User Profile is the information about you including your name, address, email address and phone number(s). This is needed by CAMS and by the PNHOA to communicate with you.  You can also add any other information you'd like to share in a text block (such as your birthday with or without year, names of your children, hobbies, favorite quote, etc.).
    You can then select which components of this information should be made visible to other Homeowners in the Website Directory. You can change this selection at any time. No one outside the PNHOA or surrounding HOAs can see it.
  • chevron_rightWho can access my contact information and what can they use it for?
    Members of the community may access your contact information only if you opt-in to allowing them to see it. Failure to opt-in may limit the ability of your neighbors and friends to communicate with you. In all cases, it is forbidden for anyone to use your contact information for commercial purposes.
  • chevron_rightWhat are Level 2 and Level 3 Members?
    Level 2 and Level 3 are additional means to include spouses, children, or anyone else as part of a user's account. They must share the same user name and password. While this is offered by the website vendor, we have elected not to utilize it for Porters Neck. We recommend that any spouse or child simply register and obtain a separate account.
  • chevron_rightI forgot my password; how do I reset it?
    Go the the Home page. Click the Login link. Then Click on the Forgot Password link.
    Enter your email address and click Submit.
    An email will be sent to your email to reset your password. You must complete your password reset within three hours or you will need to repeat the process.
  • chevron_rightWhy must I log in to the CAMS portal with another user name and password?
    The CAMS portal provides private and secure access to each homeowner's account, financial records, violations, etc. For security, this is handled separately from the PNHOA website. This website provides direct access to the CAMS portal.
  • chevron_rightHow do I include my family in the Directory?
    Most homeowners will initially be included in the Directory using the official homeowner data from CAMS. Typically, it might be "John and Jane Doe". The couple is welcome to share the account.
    Alternatively, the family can have multiple accounts. Jane Doe can modify the existing profile to show only her contact information. John Doe can then register on the website for a new account with his name and contact information. Every account must have a distinct user name and email address.
    Similarly, children can also (with parent's permission) be signed up for an individual account. Contact information for children need not be displayed in the Directory.
    Everyone's Profile includes a text box where you can include any information you would like for the Directory. This could include your children's names, spouse's name, alternative addresses, etc.