Porters Neck HOA Functions

The primary purpose of the of the Porters Neck Homeowners Association is to sustain a high quality of life for residents.  This is done through a variety of programs which address:  (1) community infrastructure, such as roads, park areas, streetlights and water area maintenance;  (2) security, through limiting access to the community to residents and known visitors; (3) beautification, through landscaping and plantings; (4) landscaping and structural review to assure that changes to properties retain the high quality and consistency of the community and (5) public advocacy and communications on issues which affect the Porters Neck community, such as county zoning issues, road maintenance and construction in the area, and general engagement with the New Hanover County Government. 
The PN Homeowners Association maintains the roads within the confines of the community (primarily within the gates). This includes repair and periodic restoration of all of the roads. It is responsible for the maintenance of park areas owned by the PNHOA, including two lots on the Intracoastal Waterway, one of which has a boat ramp and kayak loading facilities available to residents, as well as places to rest and picnic. The PNHOA maintains the streetlights in the community through a contract with Duke Energy.  The PNHOA also coordinates with the Porters Neck Country Club on water control of the ponds which are prevalent throughout the community.
Physical security is provided by maintenance of a staffed entry gate at the Porters Neck Road entrance to the community as well as an non-staffed "barcode" entry access from Futch Creek Road. As appropriate, security personnel also can provide a presence by driving through the community to identify unusual activity.  Further physical security is provided by the use of barcodes on automobiles to assure residents have ease of access through the gates. The PNHOA provides advice and notification regarding hazardous conditions related to weather events. They support a CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) team and an Emergency Management Incident Command Team.
Beautification activities are accomplished by plantings throughout the community on PNHOA owned properties, such as the front and back gates, open lots in the community as well as the two Intracoastal Waterway properties.
The PNHOA has the responsibility to maintain landscaping and construction compliance with the protective covenants of the community. This is performed through the review of significant modifications to landscaping or major adjustments to the exterior of residences. 
Public advocacy and communications are essential to maintaining the quality of life in Porters Neck. This is performed by:  periodic notices to the residents regarding important issues affecting the community;  representation at local government meetings to assess public opinion on issues affecting our community; and through the maintenance of the website at Portersneckhoa.com.
Residents are always encouraged to participate in the various committees used by the PNHOA to maintain our quality of life at Porters Neck. Interested residents can contact the relevant Committee Chair or use the Contact Us feature on the Home page to contact the PNHOA Board.